On May 23, 2024, the Open Innovation and Technopreneur Institute (OITI) in collaboration with the Hanoi Support Center for Enterprise (SCE) successfully hosted the workshop “Promoting Green and Digital Transformation Towards Sustainable Development” in Hanoi. Green and digital transformation has become an inevitable trend for businesses in the current context. However, this trend also poses numerous challenges and difficulties for enterprises globally, including those in Vietnam. The workshop aimed to address some of the bottlenecks in the dual transformation process of enterprises through expert insights.

In the opening speech, Mr. Nguyen Hai Hung, Deputy Director of the Hanoi Support Center for Enterprise (SCE), stated, “Enterprises need to proactively integrate sustainable elements into their digital transformation strategies rather than focusing solely on digitalization objectives, to seize new business opportunities and benefit society and the environment.” The workshop aimed to create opportunities for Vietnamese enterprises to listen, learn from leading experts in digital and green transformation, and share their own stories for expert guidance and support.

Mr. Nguyen Manh Hung, Deputy Director of SCE, opening speech

The program also featured a presentation by Mr. Jeffrey Jian Xu, Senior Education Specialist, ADB Human and Social Development Sector Office, Sectors Group with his sharing on “ADB international and Vietnam experience on digital transformation (including education technology) and green transition” provided information on the Global Energy Trilemma (GET) framework, which includes three main pillars: Energy Security, Energy Equity, and Environmental Sustainability. According to the World Energy Council report, Vietnam ranks 11th in Asia on these Trilemma indices. Mr. Jeffrey also noted that ADB has numerous financial mechanisms and support initiatives to promote dual transformation, with several projects already implemented in countries like Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand.

Mr. Jeffrey,Representative of the Asian Development Bank, shared insights during the workshop

From the corporate perspective, Mr. Poovathungal Itteera ROY, Vice President, Power System, Vietnam and Cambodia Cluster of Schneider Electric, delivered a presentation on “Green transformation experience – perspective in Vietnam: Current status and challenges”. In the Vietnamese market, Schneider Electric has identified a “Green Action Gap” of 52%, indicating a significant gap between companies’ intentions to undertake green transformation and their particular “action”. Mr. Pi Roy emphasized the urgency of green transformation and the need for collective action to achieve the goals.

Mr. Pi Roy, Representative of Schneider Electric, shared insights at the workshop

The program continued with a panel discussion moderated by Ms. Bui Thanh Hang, Senior Expert at OITI, featuring four experienced speakers in digital and green transformation. Ms. Bui Thanh Hang quoted, “The pessimist complains about the wind, the optimist expects it to change, and the realist adjusts the sails,” highlighting the need for businesses to proactively engage in digital and green transformation rather than waiting. Agreeing with this view, Mr. Do Xuan Thinh, Deputy Director of the National Innovation Center (NIC), stated that green transformation can start with daily business activities, emphasizing the importance of changing perceptions and fostering open-mindedness. Each business needs to develop its own criteria for digital and green transformation to understand what can be saved first and how to do it effectively.

From a practical expert perspective, Mr. Doan Duc Thao of Siemens Digital Industries noted that the current challenges for businesses in dual transformation include market conditions, technology, and human resources. To overcome these challenges, financial mechanisms and support from relevant units are essential. Mr. Do Duc Tien from EKI Energy pointed out that Vietnam has ample spaces to promote green growth. Enterprise need to strategize and act on this trend to achieve efficiency and reduce negative impacts from current trade regulations. Additionally, Mr. Do Tien Thinh emphasized that the selection of transformation measures should consider long-term impacts, though sometimes it may require short-term sacrifices for long-term gains. Overall, while digital and green transformation is inevitable, it must be based on the context, goals, and direction set by the business.

At the workshop, businesses received information about state support policies for green and digital transformation, valuable experiences from experts, and a clearer understanding of the green and digital transformation process within enterprises. This can help businesses make smart decisions aligned with their business goals during this era of green and digital transformation.

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